“The book accompanies ‘The Making of the Chinese New Working Class’, an exhibition by the Culture and Art Museum of Migrant Workers Beijing that took place at MINI/Goethe-Institut Curatorial Residencies Ludlow 38 in New York from 14 July through 4 September, 2011.
The Culture and Art Museum of Migrant Workers (CAMMW) was initiated in 2008 by a former migrant worker and musician, Sun Heng, and is located in Picun, a village outside Beijing that is home to more than 10.000 migrant workers. CAMMW is a project of Migrant Workers’ Home, an NGO founded in 2002, and dedicated to supporting the rights of migrant workers, providing education for their children, and serving as a community center. The purpose of the museum is to record the histories of migrant workers and to advocate for the value of their labor.” (Tobi Maier)
With contributions by Culture and Art Museum of Migrant Workers Beijing, Zhibin Lin, Ellen David Friedman, Marty Kirchner, Amran Frey, Hanns Eisler Nail Salon/Nail Workers Chorus, Not an Alternative and many others.