
El mundo entero es una Bauhaus

Curator:Boris Friedewald
Year: 2024
Keyword:Exhibition Catalogue, Exhibition Graphics

Visual identity for ifa touring exhibition including exhbition graphics and newspaper.

ifa´s touring exhibitions 10th station on view at Museo La Tertulia, Cali, Columbia! 30 July 2024 – March 2025
“How did the Bauhaus succeed in becoming the epitome of radical social, design and didactic renewal?
The exhibition “The whole world a Bauhaus” is dedicated to this topic. Eight chapters focus on the years 1919 to 1933 from an inside perspective in Weimar, Dessau and Berlin: “The Floating” shows how weightlessness was explored as a motif. The “Experiment” chapter presents objects that are the result of material and spatial research. The “Gesamtkunstwerk” section focuses on the synthesis of all the arts, as well as art and science and art and everyday objects. Under the heading “Community”, central historical objects show the festivities and life at the Bauhaus. The ideological orientation of the Bauhaus becomes clear in the chapter “The New Man”. While “Art, Craft, Technology” presents the workshops and their products, “Radical Pedagogy” shows the structure and teaching at the Bauhaus. Transcultural references become clear in the “Encounters” section.
The exhibition title “The whole world a Bauhaus” is based on a quote by Fritz Kuhr from 1928. He was a student at the Bauhaus from 1923 to 1927, worked in the mural painting workshop from 1928 to 1929 and then taught drawing at the Bauhaus until 1930.” (text from ifa website)

Photo by Valerie Hammerbacher