Choreographer and dancer Adam Linder’s Choreographic Services (2013-ongoing) are a series of works, hired on a per-hour basis.
Linder takes the significance of the art historical and institutional contexts of contemporary art production as his starting point for Some Riding. He has commissioned two texts by writers Catherine Damman and Sarah Lehrer Graiwer that examine ideas of “choreographic embodiment” and “economies of performance”. Having memorised these texts, Linder and dancer Frances Chiaverini will recite them while choreographically riding the flow of the language, enacting the written context and providing the performative dynamics for this new piece. He intends to highlight the importance of written contextualisation and its role in communicating the underlying institutional and theoretical structure the work is based upon. Rather than manifesting these texts on the printed page, they are activated by Linder and Chiaverini in the danced activity.