
Blake Book

Editor:David Lewis, HIT
Year: 2010
Keyword:Artist’s Book, Paperback
Publisher:Lubok Verlag
Location:Leipzig, Paris

Blake Book compiles work from fourteen artists who were asked by David Lewis to make a piece in response to a two-part exercise on William Blake: “Take something from Blake and add it to the world, to form a new poet, a new artist, and a new world. Repeat until there is no more Blake.” and “Add to Blake something from the world, to form a new Blake and a new world. Repeat until there is no more world.”

The publication includes contributions by Blake Rayne, Carissa Rodriguez, Glenn Ligon, Haris Epaminonda, Hilton Als, Ida Ekblad, Keren Cytter, Oscar Tuazon, Paul P., Reto Pulfer, Scott Treleaven, Sunny Suits, Thomas Hirschhorn, Tobias Madison.